List of Policies
Harbour Bears Pre-school has a considerable number of policies and procedures to ensure that the group is managed efficiently and operates to the highest possible standard.
The following are a list of the policies and procedures which are in place within the group:
- Absence Management Policy.
- Absence of Person in Charge Policy.
- Admissions Policy.
- Adverse Conditions and Winter Policy.
- Anti-Bullying Policy.
- Appraisal Policy.
- Arrival/Departure Policy.
- Assets Register Policy.
- Child Observation Policy.
- Code of Conduct Policy.
- Complaints/Comments Policy.
- Confidentiality Policy.
- Conflict Of Interest Policy.
- Continuous Professional Development and Training Policy.
- Curriculum, Planning and Evaluation Policy.
- Data and Record Management Procedure.
- Data Management Policy.
- Data Protection Policy.
- Dealing with Fraud Policy.
- Delegated Authority Policy.
- Equal Opportunities Policy.
- E-Safety, Networking and Mobile Phones Policy.
- Financial Procedures, Petty Cash Policy.
- Financial Reserves Policy.
- Fire Drill Policy.
- Fundraising Policy.
- General Issues Policy.
- Grants Policy.
- Grievance Procedure for Management Teams Policy.
- Health, Hygiene and Safety Policy.
- Healthy Eating Policy.
- ICT Policy.
- Induction for Management Teams Policy.
- Infection Control Policy.
- Insurance Policy.
- Intimate/Personal Care Policy.
- Management of Medicines Policy.
- Missing Child Policy.
- Participation and Engagement with Parents/Carers Policy.
- Play Policy
- Privacy Notice For Employees, Volunteers And Contractors.
- Recruitment And Selection Policy.
- Redundancy Policy.
- Remote/Blended Learning Policy.
- Rota Policy.
- Safeguarding Children and Child Protection Policy.
- Security Policy.
- Settling-In Policy.
- Smoking Policy.
- Special and Additional Educational Needs Policy.
- Staff Code of Conduct Policy.
- Staff Induction Policy.
- Staff Personal Care and Uniform Policy.
- Staff Support and Supervision and 1-2-1 Policy.
- Student Placement Policy.
- Supporting Children’s Feelings and Behaviour Policy.
- Vetting Security Policy.
- Visitors Policy Post Covid-19.
- Volunteer Policy.
- Whistle Blowing Policy.
- Working With Vulnerable Adults Policy.